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Experts Find URLScan Security Scanner Inadvertently Leaks Sensitive URLs and Data

The Hacker News 07.11.2022 11:49
Security researchers are warning of "a trove of sensitive information" leaking through, a website scanner for suspicious and malicious URLs.
"Sensitive URLs to shared documents, password reset pages, team invites, payment invoices and more are publicly listed and searchable," Positive Security co-founder, Fabian Bräunlein, said in a report published on November 2, 2022.

Cyberwar: Digitales rotes Kreuz soll vor Hackerangriffen schützen

Golem 07.11.2022 11:45
Humanitäre Organisationen haben ein digitales Äquivalent zum roten Kreuz vorgeschlagen, damit staatliche Hacker ihre Infrastruktur nicht angreifen. (Cyberwar, Internet)